The Benefits of Wheatgrass
Potent Sunlight Energy
There are many, many benefits of wheatgrass and reasons why you should
make it a part of your diet. Wheatgrass juice, a liquid so full of
health elements that it helps prevent serious illnesses, comes from a
surprisingly common plant: wheat.
Just before the wheat plant blooms into a massive
growth spurt (a stage known as jointing), wheatgrass, which at that
point is full to bursting with potent power and energy, is cut and
juiced. Drinking wheatgrass juice is one way to get the most out of
this incredibly healthy plant.
When properly done, just an ounce of this juice can give your body
astounding healing results. A few benefits of
wheatgrass include:
• Induces better sleep, thus more energy
• Improves eyesight and gives clearer
night vision
• Cleaner lymphatic systems, resulting to
stronger immune system
• Decreases food cravings because of its
fibrous content
• Reduces inflammation
• Detoxification on a cellular
level—removes metals from the blood.
• Increases clarity of the mind
• Provides steadier nerves
• Gives a better overall physical and
mental sense of well-being
Over the years more and more people become convinced of the
effectiveness and the health advantages that come from wheatgrass
juice. There is plenty of proven research as to why wheatgrass
benefits the body so well. Some of these findings have proven
that wheatgrass contains more than 20 amino acids, 92 minerals that are
needed by your body, and has a higher level of protein than any other
kinds of food.
The best thing about wheatgrass juice it is that it contains
70% chlorophyll - the pure sunlight energy plant enzyme, which helps oxygenate the body and
is also proven to decrease activity of cancer-causing agents - there is
a strong link between wheatgrass
and cancer prevention. In fact, it’s so nutritious that an
ounce of it is equal to 2 ½ pounds of vegetables.
With just an ounce or two of daily wheatgrass juice intake, you'll be
able to see some of the many benefits of wheatgrass.
Got some wounds that are slow to heal? Dab them with some wheatgrass
juice, and the healing process will speed up.
Got tooth decay? Gargle with this juice at least once a day and get
fresher, cleaner mouth.
Want to lose weight? Wheatgrass is fibrous so it curbs your body’s food
We can go on and on with more benefits
of drinking wheatgrass...the best thing to do is check it out
for yourself.
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